stack of books








A Feast of Losses: Yetta Dine and Her Son, the Poet Stanley Kunitz. TidePool Press, 2023.

The little O, the earth: Travel Journals, Art & Poems
. Worcester, MA: Palette and Pen Studio. 2015.

A Brush with Words: Poems by Judith Ferrara
, Autumn Light Press, 2013

Gestures of Trees
. 2000. Lewiston, NY: Mellen Poetry Press (

Peer Mediation: Finding a Way to Care. 1996. Portland, ME: Stenhouse (

Ready-to-Use Writing Workshop Activities Kits [six book series]: Word Skills; Sentence Skills; Paragraph Skills; Editorial Skills; Letter and Report Writing Skills; Notetaking and Outlining Skills 1985 The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.

Write to Spell. 1976 Curriculum Associates, North Billerica, MA (out of print).